after sex the man has sperm that goes into a womens vagina and swims to the egg.wemon often swallow semen after they have suck his penis. wemon love sperm and having sex even when their raped.they maon and gasp all the time and they cum all over your dick.
jen was having sex with dave.dave ejaculated and jen licked up all his semen
by [TS]Master August 17, 2005
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Pwned, owned or in a sentence like 'you got spermed' it is like saying 'you got served'.
After Alex was owned by Andrew in COD, Andrew said "You got spermed!!"
by Johnny Star May 13, 2010
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an anoying person a geek someone who really gets on your wick
will you just f**k off you SPERM
by marie August 4, 2003
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A sexual active guy who has sex with many different girls and usually they end up pregnant!
Maci : Hey did you see that Kelly, Keirsten, and Katie were all expecting!
Jamie : Yeah that would be a result of Chad He's full of sperm and never's hears the word no!
Maci : Oh shit me and Chad were together last night I hope I'm not pregnant too!
Jamie : Well he fucked me last week but luckly we were wearing rubbers!
by JDawg 316 December 23, 2015
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A woman who insists on having condom free sex.
Yeah, I know that Taylor's a sperm collector, but I don't have to worry about getting her pregnant. I've already been snipped!
by Chad Apollo December 15, 2017
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