*Kenny Dies*
Stan :OMG they killed Kenny!
Kyle :You bastards!!
by yargh man May 29, 2015
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1. A child whose parents are not married
2. A person from the north who likes walls
Gareth Hughes is a Bastard from the north, listen here Bastard
by 1of10 June 6, 2020
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1. A child born out of wedlock.
2. Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.
3. A person, especially one who is held to be mean or disagreeable.
by Sam429 March 13, 2004
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level four of sentence enhancers
8=The Finger
* using two means adding.
by nappyafrochik April 5, 2003
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1. (n) The art of being a bastard.
"Mr. Hill gave you 75 pages of homework? That's bastardism!!!"
by prvtdonut7 April 21, 2005
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One who makes life difficult. Such cases are abundant; however, their effect can usually be negated or lessened by the individual.
Grandpa: Don't let the bastards get you down.
Me: Which ones are the bastards?
Grandpa: All of them.
by Zach Rock Steady November 18, 2003
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