people who are perceived to prefer mainstream products, trends, and music
"She lacks even the most basic skills necessary for the job."
by women lover 9000 June 11, 2023
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When you’re more than basic
Diana: America is such a basic bitch omfg
Jake: No America isn’t just basic she’s basicer
Diana: omfg true
by Jakey Wakey :)))))) August 24, 2019
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(n) A word to describe anyone who is not up to your group's standards in any category. Everything they do is just sub-standard quality and falls short to the quality level of your group.


Jackie - "Are these girls dancing or having seizures?"

Natalie - "Basics everywhere"


Natalie - "Wow, that bitch is extremely rude and snobby"

Jackie - "Basic bitch honey. Basic bitch."
by nonbasic August 12, 2013
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Someone who is boring, bland or uninteresting.
Bailey: Will your so basic, like omg.
Will: No your the basic one.
Bailey: Omg i know.
by ShaniquaRamone September 11, 2013
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"Your level of basicism is too high"
by Tommy Mats January 28, 2015
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Likened to children, a 'basic' is a term used to describe someone with attributes of idiocy, foolishness and child-like behaviour. A 'basic' commonly has little to no intelligence, and struggles to break social barriers. A 'basic' often reverts to exaggeration and deceit to over come these social barriers and gain a mild sense of acceptance within his/her friendship circles.
Mr Jones: 'I love my barbie doll she so poe'

Mrs Smith: ' You are ridiculous, obscene and basic'

Mr Jones jnr: 'Daddy I want a car and I want it now!'
Mr Jones snr: 'Shut up you spoilt child, I hate your basic demands'
by the pogo demons September 2, 2010
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Noun referring to "basic bitches." Basic's are the typical girl that thinks they are cool because they're artsy, can make a duck face, carry around coffee cups, and where designer brands. You'll know a basic when you see one.
1: "dude checkout those girls, they're all wearing the same designer outit and they're walking around with empty coffee cups and taking selfie.

2: yeah they're basic's

1: werd.
by BasicsTheseDays September 4, 2013
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