as well as a number, it's also a scare tactic used by people to make money.

They scare you into thinking the world will end, then make you pay money to get information on surviving

me (thinking): another victim? this is crazy
by wecl0me12 April 25, 2010
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this is the stupidists time ever. everyone thinks they will die but there just fuckin stupid and will believe anything. there has beeen more than one occurance where stupid people will think we will die so why does this time make a difference. fuckin assholes!
2012 is retarded but i like dissin it.
by stardestroyer96 October 12, 2009
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A year in which numerous shit has happened including but not limited to deaths, shootings, death, massacres, death, End of the World, death, Obama re-elected, death, Romney loosing, death, laughter at Romney's failure, death, Gangnam Style and even more fucking DEATH!!!!!!!!!
"Yo man its 2012"
"Dude we are like so fucked"
"Well at least we ain't Dankrupt"
by Grand HeadMaster Juan Orochi December 21, 2012
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The year that comes before 2013 and after 2011.
2012 is also the year that the Cubs win the World Series and the Lions win the Superbowl.
by skankysarah88 March 11, 2010
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Really, is the ending of this era, described by the mayan civilization, and it has 7 pre steps in which all the humanity will experiment. In the steps are included i.e. the earth's pole shift and global warming and other interesting stuff.
12/21/2012, it's the end of our era started at 3014 b.C. spelling 21/12/2012 too.
by pxowakins September 28, 2006
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The year the mayan calendar ends. It is said that the world will end. Maybe to change, or for the world to self destruct, it is not certain of what will occur yet. Popular belief is that the age of Aquarius will come, and the alien God Cthulhu will rise. Many satanist believe that satan himself will rise and take over the universe again in place of the christian God and that the war has ended. 21st December 2012. The world will end. Go figure.
Satanist:Dude, satan will rule the world in 2012
Christian:Repent of your sins!
Elite satanist:The time of purification has come. Prepare to succumb to the creator.
by James Fletcher December 26, 2006
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