1)a command given when you are imploring someone (or even oneself) to keep it extra real.

drawn from the Chappelle's Show skit about Fisticuffs and expanded on.
Why does Joe always front so hard? He needs to put some treble in it!
by b-lo August 5, 2005
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Telling a man or woman to lick you clitoris
I'm feeling musically horny so come treble my clef
by pvs 123 January 15, 2012
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Listening to music in a car with the treble setting turned all the way up instead of the bass in an attempt to be different.
In an attempt to be different Emo Chris treble bumped instead of turning up the bass.
by Patrick W. Ryan October 26, 2007
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Refers to da "3-to-1" ratio of where ya either sue da audio-equipment manufacturer for just da expenses dat you incurred due to their shoddy/faulty workmanship on their woofers dat were installed in your loudspeakers, as opposed to asking them to pay you three times your expenses if da tweeters either didn't work properly or had crappy sound.
Pro-grade speaker-builders like JBL and EV are always very careful how they build their rugged high-powered speakers designed for rock bands and outdoor concerts --- they use only da best materials and really "build 'em like a tank" to ensure reliability and quality sound, and therefore lessen da chance of their having to worry about "bass damages vs. treble damages" lawsuits from disgruntled musicians.
by QuacksO December 12, 2020
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What you ask for in a lawsuit against an audio-equipment manufacturer due to your stereo's loudspeakers having a dull muffled "muddy" sound instead of producing crisp high-frequencies as they are supposed to.
I am amazed that anyone would bother suing for treble damages; since many audiophiles --- especially the younger ones --- complain that their systems don't produce enough BASS... usually the midrange and high notes come through just fine.
by QuacksO September 4, 2019
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in the song ''all about that bass'' this ment ''skinny bithces''
even though the song was acclaimed for body positivity treble is still a hateful word
by @mrkulci August 23, 2018
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the situation in which a person manages to vomit, shit himself and piss himself in less than half an hour. The only person known to succeeded at this is David Waltr.
bero already threw up and shat his pants, I think he's going to do a treble tonight.
by sammyjkeeler September 20, 2021
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