A word, phrase, quote or photo worthy of being printed on a cup.
That photo is so amazing . . . it's cup worthy. I love that quote . . . it's definitely cup worthy.
by But that's ok July 30, 2017
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An adjective describing a tv show or movie that is worth paying attention to and not simply good for background.
Last night, we only had one hour to relax before bed, so we chose to turn on a watch-worthy show, Ray Donovan.
by the-word-master April 24, 2021
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Something that has enough importance to actually be on Wikipedia, in contrast to what you can find no trace of on there. Hence, "worthy of Wikipedia," or Wikipedia-worthy. Since users from across the world can edit or add to Wikipedia, the lack of information on a specific topic marks its sheer unimportance or obscurity.
Person 1: Hey, listen to this band, it's great.

Person 2: Are you kidding me? It's not Wikipedia-worthy; I just checked.

Person 1: Come on, man, give it a try. No one knows who they are, but they're so awesome.
by RealTawk November 21, 2010
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a highly bad bitch, at least a 7/10 or higher
and a word that zachary irl made popular fuck outta here👋
damn bro that girl lela, she worthy asf
by zachary irl December 8, 2021
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When your such a dog that you only deserve an ugly ass female for a companion.
Feel bad for you bro cause when and if you ever decide to settle down like us grown folk, it's gonna be too late for your ass, your gonna be ugg worthy .
by UrHiGhNesss December 30, 2016
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When your friends you introduced to each other no longer invite you out for a drink they just go without you
I just got a video text of Bill and Bobby having a drink without me. I guess I am not Bill and Bobby worthy
by Artie T April 23, 2019
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