1.What everybody has after their third or fourth vodka martini.
2. Slurred speach due to consumption of alcohol.
Dude! Lay off the Smirnoff, I can't understand a thing you say through your thick Lushian Accent.
by SJ@24 July 6, 2010
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Talking fast in a Cajun/redneck/country slang way that is mostly in incomprehensible and slurred phrases such as "dad gum" "dang ol" and "yeah man talkin about"
I couldn't tell you what Chet was trying to say with that Boomhauer Accent he's g
by BluntBeauty March 22, 2023
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The vocal accent of computer-generated personal assistant applications such as: Siri, Google, and Alexa.

The inflection is slightly Scandinavian with a hint of Punjabi.
Person 1: Is it weird that I get all chubbed-up when I hear Siri say my name?

Person 2: Nah bro, that's just her sexy computer accent.
by Chad Brylo February 24, 2018
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When you read something to yourself in a specific accent based on the style of which it was written.
"I would like to speak to the proprietor of this establishment." I bet you read that with a british accent. That's called the Accented Text Affect.
by Jack Flap December 10, 2018
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When "Asian" telecallers start speaking with a fake American accent after being on the job for a week. Usually done when they're meeting people for the first time; it usually disappears in a half hour or so because they can't escape the urge to talk normally again.
She was a pretty girl with a hot personality but when her F.A.S. (fake accent syndrome) kicks in she is so YUCK !!
by wangqiu May 18, 2014
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A type of accent produced by ones anus. The accent affects the timbre and tonality of farts, and poops alike.

An anus accent may also refer to an ornament adorned on ones anus for the purpose of decoration.
Hey bro, did you get a new anus accent? Are those real rubies?

Ever since Monica went to France for the summer, her anus accent has been so hard to understand.
by Christian Handersun July 26, 2021
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Someone automatically speaking with an accent when they hear it, absorbing it like a sponge.
Aria: since when does Johnny have a Brummie accent?
Leah: He doesn't, he's just an accent sponge.
by coachdexter September 22, 2023
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