"that guy is such a spool" Can be used synonomously in relation to the definition as a subtle substitute.
by jt3000 October 14, 2010
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Another word for semen, cum, jizz, spoof etc
Mitch: Hey Hincey, did you end up taking that asian girl home last night?

Hincey: Yeah mate, got lucky and then spooled all over her face.

Mitch: Hincey, you slippery bastard
by jizzyjez September 17, 2013
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Something that is lame or bad. Bogus
Don’t go to the party it’s so spool” “They close at 9? That’s spool.”
by bunkfunk June 19, 2021
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Siting or laying in a sexual way. Similar to spooning and usually leads to forking.
Alyse and Mango spooled and spooned until they forked.
by wgbeg March 13, 2005
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To be spooled suggests you don't really know what you are doing or what's going on, all you know is that you are stoked to be spooled.
what're you so stoked about? -- i'm str8 spooling on life (similar to stoked on life)

that spooler has gone bucklouie

i'm a little slow and spooled out today
by spoolicus March 3, 2011
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anything the hell you want it to mean, except: "a self inflicted case of wet pants"
a. "I need to go to the store to pick up some spoole."
b. "Oh man, i spooled 'somom last night."
c. "Oh spoole"
by L33T_M@JIXX September 30, 2003
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The process of taking a giant wooden cable spool and rolling it down a hill for amusement. A common past time of people in e-burg.
Dude what are we gonna do tonight?
Lets go spooling
by kbless April 19, 2006
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