A person who thinks he/she knows more about science than an actual scientist.
I'm a good little God-fearing creationist and I believe evolution is a lie. I'm going to get in my CAR, go to the grocery store and buy FROZEN FOOD, go buy MEDICINE for my sick wife, go fill up my car with GASOLINE, go pay my ELECTRICITY and HEATING bill, and then I'll go home to my COMPUTER and complain on the INTERNET to the world about HOW EVIL SCIENCE IS!
by The Bad Guy February 4, 2007
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One who is stupid on purpose.
See moron
Creationist Dr. Kent Hovind: OK class, today we are going to be watching a documentary called the Flintstones. Repeat after me: Yabba Dabba Doo!!
by Firewalker239 November 30, 2008
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Someone so afraid of the idea that there isn't a god that they delude themselves into thinking the Bible is fact and science is mythology. Not to be mistaken with religious people as that would validate what is no more than a mental problem.

Creationists' fear leads them to forget that their god is omniscient and lie, attack, brainwash, and suppress the truth, thus earning themselves a place in the Hell of their choosing.
actual conversation from a facebook group:
sane person: no its called science
creationist 1: ignorance is bliss sane person....
creationist 2: it really is, isn't it creationist 1?
creationist 3: fuck science, God made the world

...yeah they pretty much have reality backwards
by Baroness_Orczy January 24, 2011
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One that thinks that hundreds of different scientist who all came to the same conclusionregarding the creation of the human species must be wrong because the Bible says so. They tend to try and have scientific truth banned from their childrens' schools.
George W. Bush is a creationist. May he burn in hell.
by existentialist February 9, 2004
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The idiots and religious radicals who want humanity to stay in the dark ages.
Creationists are those who reject modern scientific theories and laws, especially evolution, over their old religious doctrines which they so happen to be loyal to.
by Sandwich Bocks January 24, 2011
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Weak-minded people with an extremely weak (or no) faith. Their real belief in god is so WEAK, that they must rationalise their belief in god by turning their back on science. They also "literally" accept the bible as fact and reference the "book" of Genesis to support creation. However, their arguments fail because they forget which book of Genesis to reference (is it the first book or the second book of creation)? Rather than say, well science and God work together, they have to cling to a false and failed belief in the literal nature of a document corrupted and manipulated for centuries by the hands of man. They argue and fight, but unfortunately forget the motto WJGAFF - would Jesus give a flying fuck?
Teacher - "Fossils are geological records of life on earth spanning billions of years."

Creationists - "Nah, my pastor says the bible is fact, and the earth is 100 hundred years old."

Teacher - "Get out of my class and go be homeschooled with the other retards."
by Relgulious Man April 2, 2010
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