This girl was givin' me the gears so I fired up a pack of Parisienne birthday candles.
by fatburner5 October 18, 2011
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I really didn't like when roddy missed the fantasy football draft. He was sure acting like a Happy Birthday Roddy.
by Croddy December 3, 2015
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A person that expects everyone to recognize and celebrate them without ceasing on their birthday. The day is often accompanied with emotional breakdowns.
Dudley Dursley whined and whined about his gifts on his birthday, something only a birthday brat would do.
by WhiteBoyPlayThatFunkyMusic April 25, 2017
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Instead of celebrating a birthday for one day, it grows to a several days or a week due to the following: family celebration, party with friends, romantic dinner, cupcakes at school. This expansion of time to celebrate is birthday inflation
I thought we could do something this weekend, but due to the wife's birthday inflation I'm busy until next Thursday.
by PDXef May 11, 2012
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When you go to an upscale restaurant in a major city with a strict dress code (the kind of place that lends out a jacket to the sap that forgot his at home) without a jacket, a ridiculously colored pair of pants, and an obnoxious bow tie or better yet in shorts, flip flops and no tie, either way with your sleeves rolled up. You then manage somehow to be seated against the establishment's policies. Shortly thereafter you are sung happy birthday in Italian by a portly employee. For additional fun, go to the bathroom all the way across the restaurant in your shorts, thereby giving everyone a second look at your audacity.
Guy 1: She didn't tell me the place would be so fancy. I was insanely underdressed.
Guy 2: So, what'd you do?
Guy 1: What any man would do. I went in there, met her dad and brother, and pulled The Italian Birthday.
Guy 2: How'd that turn out?
Guy 1: Oh they hate me, but it was funny as hell.
by R-Dizawg July 1, 2013
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A more polite or subtle version of the phrase ‘birthday sex’, suggesting sexual favours or attention from one’s partner.
“We’ve both been working a lot lately but I’m hoping Sharon will give me birthday privileges tonight”
by Tim Peters November 9, 2023
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