Norming or to Norm is the action of assassinating a person or people with a gun, specifically a pistol.
This term refers to the Bad Ending in Dialtown Ch.3, where Norm Allen shoots Mayor Mingus with a pistol.
“AHHH!!! I’M GONNA NORM!” *pulls out gun*
“OH SHIT HE’S NORMING” *gets shot*
by maowzart January 2, 2023
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When your internet connection is dogshit, just like Norms' WiFi. (If you have ever used Norms' WiFi.)
Man1: Aw dude I just went down to this baby Wraith, he's so bad dude.
Man2: Lmao you got Norms' WiFi dude your connection is so bad.
by doomsday.jpg October 28, 2020
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A dumbass way of saying follow the rules that is so over used it makes my eardrums bleed until I die of blood loss.
"FOLLOW YOUR NORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by I got your band folder December 14, 2015
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When public servants are easily fooled by baseless conspiracy theories of voter fraud and engage in fascist attempts to undermine the most basic steps of the democratic process. Coined in the memory of Norman Shinkle, the GOP stooge on the Michigan Board of Canvassers who tried to disenfranchise millions of people at the behest of a president who had sour grapes that he lost.
Frank: "Did you see that Veronica won the election?"
Rachel: "Yeah she did, but there was some norm-shinkling at the election certification meeting. Monica from the losing side said that flying monkeys burned ballots and spit in the faces of the poll watchers, so none of our votes count anymore"
Frank: "Oh, that sucks"
Rachel: "Yeah I guess the social contract that made us a democracy broke down over nothing, too bad."
Frank: "All hail OneState!"
by recharge88888 November 23, 2020
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Outside of childhood cultural conditioning, norm enforcement is a delusion.

Hym "Norm enforcement is largely performative. You, on some level, have to admit that norm enforcement ISN'T ACTUALLY FOR THE PERSON BEING SHAMED. You don't care whether or not they change or 'improve,' You want the people who SEE THE ACT OF SHAMING to think twice about mirroring or imitating or repeating the behavior being shamed. That's who it's for. It's for the viewer and not the person being shamed.
And, again, it stems (I think) from this type of intellectual elitism where individuals are expected to cede their capacity for thought to... Not even intellectuals. Just random fucking YouTuber's REGARDLESS of their capacity for thought. It's like 'You don't have life X, therefore, the content or function of your mind is somehow de-legitimized regardless of HOW PERSON WITH LIFE X AQUIRED LIFE X (For example, entertaining children by being a loud obnoxious retard while playing video games). It's not different than that scene (And I'm repeating myself) from Bob's Burgers where Louise is heckling those baseball players. She attempts (and fails) to distract the batters (repeated) and the one time one of the batters fails; she takes full credit for his failure shouting 'See!? I did that! That was me!' That's all you're doing when you enforce norms. You're making YOURSELF FEEL BETTER about the existence of people who violate the norms of your adopted propositional ethic. It's superstition. It's not different than throwing salt over your shoulder when you spill the pepper. You're making an example of someone to intimidate the bystanders. And by 'Norm enforcement' I mean 'Social norm enforcement' and NOT 'Do what the Quran says or we're going to throw you off a building' MANUAL NORM ENFORCEMENT."
by Hym Iam August 5, 2023
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