1 definition by yummybeans

The largest and oldest branch of the US Military. Solely responsible for winning the revolutionary war and winning the freedom of the US of A. Has taken more casualties then all other branches of the US military COMBINED!!!!!including the fucking marines (small caps used on purpose). In fact, for every marine who has ever died for his country, 16- count them six motherfucking teen) US Army Soldiers have died defending this country. of the top 20 battles fought to determine whether or not this country would exist, every one was fought and won by the the US Army. That is why it is 1st in order of precedence when the

branch of the military are shown (i.e,... Branch flags). JSYK!!!!
Thank the good Lord almighty that the "U.S. Army" was here to save us weak ass marines.
by yummybeans July 13, 2014
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