3 definitions by yeeyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The word snitch can have multiple meanings
1. when someone get's in trouble with the police and rats someone else out and doen't get in trouble
2. Six





Billy: Monte has weed!
Monte: Billy don't be such a snitch
by yeeyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee November 28, 2019
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A girl with dark brown hair and eyes who comes off as aggressive and mean but gets hurt easily. She likes having real, and loyal friends who have her back and don't bail on people. A lot of people feel threatened by her even though she doesn't do anything. She likes to try and avoid drama so she avoids people who hate/feel threatened by her.
Nabiha can be so damn mean. My god.
Nabiha is a total bully.
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