12 definitions by wallyTour

A loose term used to describe any kind of material blowing in the urban winds of a larger city.
The nearby urbfetti was mesmerizing until the realization was made that it was merely garbage once it landed!
by wallyTour June 1, 2010
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Similar to stalagtites, cheeselagtites are the globs of cheese that hang from the underside of an opened pizza box.
Dude, that pizza man crushed our pie and now we have cheeselagtites hanging off the cardboard...
by wallyTour January 28, 2008
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To attend some kind of function, do some kind of activity or task with your significant other that you would rather not do, but have to. An obligation that must be attended with your significant other that you would prefer not to attend but must.
"I'd love to come to your football party, but I have to measure a desk..."
by wallyTour September 21, 2009
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Describing super extreme weather conditions.
You better grab a hat and coat, its getting way real out there!!
by wallyTour October 20, 2009
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To observe the act or aftermath of some kind of injustice.
Dude, I can't go on the ride because I woke up to find out that my bike had been Baltimored last night!
by wallyTour August 10, 2009
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A large group of Baltimore Sport and Social Club members all wearing their team shirts together at the same time. The result is a colorful group of human "skittles".
"Dude, don't go into that bar right now, its loaded with skittles!"
by wallyTour September 30, 2009
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The modern version of St. Patricks Day has become a festival of young loud drunk people dressed in a variety of green clothing. Much like Halloween, March 17th has become "Green-O-Ween"!
Better get your flare ready for Green-O-Ween!
by wallyTour March 18, 2008
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