9 definitions by veeds1

Another term for a hickey or love bite;
A scar left from kissing, sucking or biting during sexual liaisons.
Whoah, you must have got some action last night! Check out the size of that shag stain!

Teenagers think they are so cool showing off their shag stains like sexual trophies.
by veeds1 September 8, 2009
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A name for the place you can store obvious contradictions, lies and bullshit stories.
Jenny: "Mike, you said you would't tell anyone about that blow job!"

Mike: "Um...yeah, just put that in the contradiction pile."
by veeds1 September 6, 2009
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Someone who is a sexual deviant or well versed in many sexual techniques. they are a freak in the bedroom.
"dude, she was a dirty fuck, you can't imagine the things we got up to last night"
by veeds1 September 4, 2009
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Term used to describe a red haired lady garden or beetle bonnet.
"Check out that hot blonde!"

"She ain't really blonde, she is a natural ginger. Dude she has a flange a l'orange!"
by veeds1 September 6, 2009
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Lesbian virginity.

A prestigeous state, much sought after by the female lady loving community.
Butch "What a hottie!! is she new in town?"

Femme "No, she's new to the scene, her lemon cherry is still intact!"

Butch "That won't last long"
by veeds1 September 27, 2009
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Acronym for Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings.

Used to describe young(ish) people who should have moved out of the parental home but have refused to give up the easy lifestyle and perks that this entails. As a result this costs the parents in money and time.
Dude, you're 27, do you still live with your Mom?

Yeah, so does my bro. We got it sweet, we're kippers!
by veeds1 September 8, 2009
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the face reserved for coitus when you know you are gonna cum real soon and have given up on waiting for your partner to climax.
"I knew I couldn't wait any longer so I put on my evil sex grin and came first. It was awesome"
by veeds1 September 6, 2009
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