5 definitions by vashill

the act of picking on someone who never really did anything to you.
Wolfman, Toughest Guy on Earth: I'm agroforgifying right now. I'm so mad that Vashil is flooding the vote section!!!
Vashil: lol, ok.
by vashill April 6, 2020
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a cup you drink out of that asks you a lot of questions.
Father: *grabs a what cup and pours coffee in it and reads the newspaper*
What cup: Why did you just grab me? Who are you? Why did you pour coffee in me? What species are you? What the heck?
by vashill April 6, 2020
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Jordan: I want a pie right now.
Pie shop owner: We only have coronapirus here.
Jordan: Is it a pie?
Pie shop owner: Yeah bu-
Jordan: I'll take it.

10 minutes after eating coronapirus...
Jordan lays in his hospital bed, coughing like crazy.
by vashill April 6, 2020
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something someone says when they want you to call them on the phone.
Jason: That was a great dinner, Cheryl. Hit me up when you get home.
Cheryl: For sure.
by vashill April 6, 2020
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Jack: You wanna go to the alternate universe?
Dave: Why?
Jack: Cause that's where all the magic happens.
by vashill April 6, 2020
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