21 definitions by urbanr0cker

Shop & Swap is the term used when speaking about the act of purchasing and returning clothing after one wear. Many people "shop and swap" after shopping at relatively or very expensive stores (ie; H&M, Abercrombie & Fitch, Neiman Marcus etc...)and purchasing clothes they want wear on dates, to school, clubs, parties and so fourth...but can't afford to keep. Label-whore's are known the engage in this practice to remain in keeping with trends but still able to actually afford to eat.

Though most stores consider it theft in the long run, many see no problem with and compare it to renting a tux.
I was so stoked when I found out I could dress like Paris Hilton on a starving artists budget though shop & swap.
by urbanr0cker May 1, 2008
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A romance between to television, film and theatre actors or realty stars who play the role of the others romantic interests in a television series, play or film (see; reality television). This typically occurs when two actors share one or more scripted "love" scenes or on-screen kisses.

Showmances do, however, develop between two co-stars playing roles in which they are in no way romantically linked, however due to long hours on set and often odd or isolated locales, a couple may develop some sort of relationship to bide their time or otherwise entertain themselves.

An actor or actress may mistake scripted passion or chemistry on screen, for a real life romance off-set. Showmances typically end after the filming has ended.

Brangelina showmance is one of the longest running in history.

(see "House: MD" co-stars; Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer; now engaged, they started their romance around the time it was written into the show)
by urbanr0cker April 12, 2008
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Much like an office ghost a school ghost is a rarely visible entity that seldom appears at their listed school or institute of higher learning.

School Ghosts typically appear only by force, either when (depending on the level of school, ie; college, high school etc) they are either a: caught and fined for truancy and forced to and attend class for a few weeks to please the courts.

Or b; periodically go on 2 to 4 week "benders" and are spazzed out of their minds on booze and drugs until they remember that they have class and pop in for a session or two. Just enough to flunk a test or midterm and copy someone Else's lecture notes.

"School Ghosts" normally are borne of those who become tired of actually getting up in the morning to attend classes, homework, studying or exams. These entities names are typically called on role or roster every class session but are rarely accounted for. SG's often appear in the back row, with dark sweats or flat out pajamas no supplies and fall asleep half way through and aren't seen after that.
Everyone thinks im a total school ghost just because I've missed 16 or the 21 classes...pftt..what do they know?
by urbanr0cker May 10, 2008
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Literally means: We're take Over The Fucking World. Typically written in shorthand as WTOtFW or wtoftw (...etc). Commonly used in people's Myspace names, who are often under the age of 16. Or in a band. It's not uncommon for this term to be seen in brackets "{ }" as an accompaniment to someone other myspace name.
Sara: Cool...what's ur myspace name?

Katie: Oh ya...it's KillerKat {wtotfw}!

Sara: ur so awesome.
by urbanr0cker May 11, 2008
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Used to denote situations or questions which are found to be impossible to accomplish or extremely difficult to answer. Sometimes used sarcastically (see sarcasm ) toughie means "tough one." Or "hard."
Ed: Hey Mike...you think I could borrow $500.

Mike: Hmm...that's a toughie...
by urbanr0cker May 11, 2008
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An alternative to the thong or g-string, seamless panties are a form of women's undergarment in which panty lines cannot be seen underneath tight clothing (such as leggings) as it is made up of seamless material.
Contrary to popular belief, women wear seamless panties when they *DON'T* want panty lines....they wear *thongs* when they *DO* want attention.

by urbanr0cker May 13, 2008
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-A widely accepted and legalized racketeering scheme in which parents and students pay upwards of $30,000 to voluntarily accept extremely leftist propaganda as well as have their, bank accounts, homes and other viable assets regularly forcibly raped after getting it good from a bank or student loan branch.

-There are many highly publicized myths, the most popular being, that there is rampant, uninhibited sex, and a bevy of busty wanton teens and young adult girls just waiting to have sex with any man who’ll have them. In reality, there is rampant sex, but everyone’s not hot, it’s sloppy, the girls are half-dead from booze and drugs, the guys go limp half of the way through and 1 out of ever 3 girls has been slipped something and ends up date-raped.

-The truth of the matter is, college is another form of high school with more ‘freedom’ less restrictions and triple the money paid. Or, more accurately a brainwashing “group” akin to the Manson Family or the Heaven’s Gate Cult.

College can however be a fun and exciting place, mainly for freshman and sophomores who can’t believe there is SO MUCH pot, coke, speed and alcohol readily available and mostly for free.
Twins Jessica & Ashley were given $50,000 each for college upon graduating high school.

Jessica moved to California and bought a house in the Valley outright.

Ashley got into a prestigious college, paid the entire $50K and now only ows Sally Mae $32,000.
by urbanr0cker May 10, 2008
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