13 definitions by tsukiatari

A hippy ass, yoga going, almond milk drinking Mom I'd Like to Fuck.
Damn son, you shoulda seen the Almond MILF I saw at the Whole Foods today. She had a hot ass Pilates body and her skin was radiant like the sun.
by tsukiatari August 4, 2014
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A sudden outbreak of Pandas. Has only happened once or twice, and mostly in China.
Pandas are so cute! I wish there was a pandemic right here in town.
by tsukiatari March 3, 2010
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The moment of deliberation just before sex in which one decides whether or not to use a condom.
"Is she ovulating right now? She doesn't look like she's ovulating. When did she say her period was? Last week, I think. Or maybe the week before. I wonder if I'd make a good father..."

Last night I was lost in Condomplation.
by tsukiatari July 21, 2009
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When an actor gains weight after shooting a film. Or, when anyone who was originally in good shape has gotten fat.
That Daniel Baldwin looks like he's between movies these days.

Man, my boss John is looking so between movies right now.
by tsukiatari January 21, 2010
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Severe jet lag, almost to the point of illness.
Man I got the Asian Time Flu! I can't sleep, eat or shit right. Nothing works and I feel like crap.
by tsukiatari February 27, 2014
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One large amount of food consumed as the day's only meal, sometimes on Thanksgiving, but often after an all-night bender. Usually followed by sleep or television.
You: "Hey you wanna get dinner?"
Me: "No thanks, man...I partied all night and woke up at 4. Just had a burrito uni-meal...I think I'm gonna crash."
by tsukiatari May 13, 2008
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The starved and jealous look on the faces of people waiting in long lines at busy brunch spots.
Diner one: "OMG, did you see that guy's pancakes? I'm so getting the pancakes. They look so good I could die!"

Diner two: "Dude, that guy over there's totally giving me the brunch face."
by tsukiatari January 21, 2010
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