9 definitions by tifosa

Power to the wealthy. Exacerbated by the SCOTUS ruling of Citizens United (1/10) which has, at least to this point, put the Republican corporatist party back in the front seat of the car, with a grip on the purse strings of America.
The billionaire Koch brothers (Koch Industries) have funded an astroturf army of unwitting soldiers (aka TeaPartiers) to lead the country toward an oligarchy of the wealthy, aka a pluKochracy.
by tifosa January 29, 2011
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The sudden onset of sleep that occurs when a pundit on Fox channel opens their mouth.
Sean Hannity started speaking his drivel and I fell into a focksnooze.
by tifosa January 13, 2010
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Say to people who 1. ARE GRANDPARENTS and 2. need to BE STRONG, QUIT WHINING, live up to their responsibility. ESPECIALLY when they LECTURE others to "man-up"
Sarah, if you choose political life, stop with that screechy whining and complaining about being targeted, and GRAN-UP!
by tifosa November 2, 2010
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Marked by bouts of anger, disgust, and sadness at what greed and unbridled capitalism have caused in the Gulf of Mexico.
The best remedy for BPOILer Disorder is chatting it out!
by tifosa June 16, 2010
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The "rope" created by an errantly flapping tongue, by which one hangs oneself politically when given enough time to speak on Fox channel programs.
Sarah Palin's political ambitions expired as they dangled at the end of the "foxnoose."
by tifosa January 17, 2010
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1. more obsolete, destructive, woeful
2. more of a source of harm and ruin
It is NO COINCIDENCE that John Boehner's name is pronounced "baner" (btw, the alternative pronunciation is "boner" :-)
by tifosa September 26, 2010
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The act of exploiting people or information by FoxTV, almost exclusively with the goal of political benefit, using distorted/made-up information.
Spin-ghazigate is just the most recent of many examples of Foxploitation.
by tifosa November 3, 2012
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