4 definitions by thisguyoverhere

The act of masturbating involving a neck tie, door handle and a broomstick. Climax can be achieved using any/all variations.
"I am going to massiesterbate so hard when I get home from the clinic."
"Honey, where did you put the broomstick?!? I can't get massiesterbating without my supplies!!"
by thisguyoverhere December 23, 2014
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A young female intern at a company who wears very short skirts, because they think its fine, no matter what the company policy
Boss, that new intern's a skintern
by thisguyoverhere July 10, 2011
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Rapper in the group D12, commonly confused with Kuniva by people who don't know D12. Bugz' last act was to have Swift join the group
by thisguyoverhere August 15, 2011
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