4 definitions by thatshit

A tropical cyclone, super typhoon that hit ground in the Philippines on Friday, the 8th of November 20013. With winds up to 195 miles per hour the storm may be the largest typhoon to hit land in recorded history. It is estimated to have had a death toll numbering in the thousands. Destruction from Typhoon Haiyan, or Typhoon Yolanda as it is known in the Philippines, was massive.
Trees, buildings and cars were swept away in the almost 200 mph winds of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). The Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) wreaked havoc in the Philippines and surrounding countries with waves of over 20 feet.
by thatshit November 11, 2013
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Complete opposites. At opposite ends of the spectrum. Often used with the word opposed.
Her political views are diametrically opposite of his so don't even mention the elections or you will have a fight on your hands.
by thatshit December 17, 2013
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A semiprecious stone often used in jewelry. Ranges in colors from yellow to yellow-red and shades of brown.
Did you see that honking carnelian necklace that she had on? Yes, it looked like it could stop a bullet!
by thatshit December 9, 2013
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A Russian sect that believed self castration would aid one in attaining heaven.
Excruciating screams erupted as the Skopsty castrated himself in an effort to rid himself of any sexual temptation.
by thatshit December 2, 2013
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