1 definition by swoghogz_

Amanda is the girl that you want to be with every day of your life, she is there to listen and give great advice. She is gorgeous and has a great sense of humor, she has gone through hell and back and is still the greatest person you will ever know with her beautiful red hair. She is the person that you want to be with and who you will love to the very end and she will love you back. Amanda will always be there whether you two are playing a game or out on a date. You will never want to leave her once you meet her and you will do anything to help and make her happy. She is an open book, ready to listen to you at any time and she can keep any secret no matter what it is. Amanda is perfection.
Did you see how she just helped that kid out, Amanda is amazing!
by swoghogz_ January 26, 2015
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