2 definitions by supulton

Similar to a lol abuser, a haha abuser is one who destroys the meaning of haha by using it every sentence to the point of making the conversation a joke.

If "lol" is crack, "haha" is heroine.
friend: my girlfriend just broke up with me :(
haha abuser: haha why?

haha abuser: haha sup?
friend: why do you laugh at me before the conversation has even started
haha abuser: i cant stop haha

haha abuser1: haha
haha abuser2: haha
haha abuser1: haha
haha abuser2: haha
*haha abuser1 dies from exhaustion*
haha abuser2: haha
by supulton November 14, 2008
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When used with ellipses, the act of showering becomes an insinuation of masturbation. When spoken, a pause is used and the voice is lowered to tacitly convey the message.
ex. 1-
friend 1: Is that a wocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

friend 2: Brb...shower...

ex. 2
friend 1: What are you doing with that magazine riddled with scantily clad women?

friend 2: I'm going to go...shower...to it.
by supulton July 11, 2008
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