5 definitions by stevedub

A made up word that you tell your friends is the answer to any Biology question. If your friends are dumb enough they will answer the question with that answer, in turn making the teacher think they are completely retarded
Mehow - "Hey Steve whats the answer to #11"
Steve - "Its Lysosomal Dysfunctation"
Mehow - "Thanks man"
by stevedub January 21, 2009
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The act of doing a flip into a pool with a opened beer in hand. One hand must be covering the top of the beer and when the jumper surfaces he must chug the beer.
Friend #1: Yo Karol do a beer flip!
Friend #2: DO IT! YOU WON'T DO IT!
Karol: *Performs a beer flip off the diving board*
by stevedub July 30, 2012
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#1 A young, immature boy who would rather play video games rather than wheeling bitties.

#2 It can be used as a substitute for a name
#1 Steve - wow fagboy is playing xbox again instead of going to the party.

#2 -Where is Duncan?

-Dont you mean fagboy?

-Oh yeah, where is fagboy?
by stevedub July 5, 2009
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Google's 2007 April fools joke.

Free wireless internet straight from your toilet
Dumb Person "Hey man, have you heard about Google's new TiSP?"
Not Dumb Person "APRIL FOOLS, You got just owned by Google"
by stevedub April 2, 2007
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"Bad Kid" Often used in online video games
Duncan just threw a rock at that car!
What a bk!
by stevedub August 30, 2007
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