2 definitions by socialelitist666

Individuals from the bottom rung of society who spend their time drinking obnoxious warm liquids made from whatever leaves they dig out from the backyards. Not only do these elitist degenerates revel in their hipster devotion to their sacred drink, but they derive unnecessary and somewhat discomforting joy out of discussing it. Widely considered the early signs of a future career as an unemployed vegan hippy, as they become even more entrenched in their cult-like appreciation of 'tree-semen', they tend to seclude themselves and exercise a self-imposed outcast from the rest of society.
"Shit dude, check out those tea drinkers over there."
"Ugh how can they drink that stuff. It looks gross. I should probably try it to find out..."
"Nah man, you don't want to become one of them... bloody hippies... probably eat vegan mousse too."
by socialelitist666 May 13, 2016
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The state of being so incredibly drunk that you cease to be able to say anything other than the word "spaggle". Considered the ultimate level of feeling buzzed.
"Mate. I got sooo fucking spaggled on the weekend."

"Fellas. Session tonight. Let's get absolutely spaggled."
by socialelitist666 December 23, 2016
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