10 definitions by salu1999

Old Brit term for parking yourself at a bar, the reference implying that you and your pub-mates become decorations on the bar, which are often built with a slab of mahogany wood.
Well, it's beer-o-clock, let's go decorating mahogany!
by salu1999 May 24, 2010
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Flamboyant men's heeled shoes that are often done in reptile-skin, and overly long, in the style of many women's designer heels, where the shoe appears to be much longer than the foot.
Did you hear Barry going on and on about some guy named Carlos Enrico? What was that about?

He was talking about those god-awful manpumps he was wearing.
by salu1999 November 14, 2011
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Movie genre first appearing in the 1980's where extensive or extravagant computer-generated imagery (CGI) results in a mainstream film that is akin to a sexually pornographic film, where the outline of the film consists of numerous sexual acts, tied together with a flimsy plot, often with comically bad segues. CGI porn, like sex porn is written knowing that the target audience does not care if there is a plot, as they are just waiting to masturbate during the next scene. Audience masturbation during CGI porn may or may not involve stroking of the penis, but is usually accompanied by similar vocalizations.

Can also refer to individual segments of feature films or shorts that were obviously written solely for the enjoyment of the CGI staff (aka CAD jockeys).
Tron (1982) and Last Starfighter (1984) were the earliest feature-length CGI films, but The Matrix is a much more definitive example of CGI Porn.
by salu1999 February 15, 2008
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Designers, inventors or marketers who develop pointless or ego-driven products, and then become more popular due to the controversy generated over their dubious value. Such products are often referred to as Schlock, while the act of developing ego-driven schlock is commonly called Design Masturbation.
That new chair that looks like a turd standing on end,clearly must have been designed by Karim Rashid. He's such a schlock jockey.
by salu1999 October 19, 2009
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When a person becomes convinced that they are the only one doing any work, and that no one else deserves any reward in the end.
Jeesh, I'm so sick of Lisa and her Little Red Hen Complex. If she'd ever pull her head out of her ass, she might notice how much we carry her ass!
by salu1999 August 5, 2008
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Describes an angering, frustrating real-world situation that is exceedingly similar to one from the film Brazil by Terry Gilliam.
"I have to fill out ANOTHER form?!!! That's just Brazilliant!!!"
"I've got a Brazilliant idea: Let's wage war with an enemy we can't see!"
by salu1999 February 16, 2008
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AKA Dead Media, Obsolete Tech, Old School, Outdated.

Any product or technology that has begun to vanish from production and/or use.
Floppy disks, typewriters, VHS tapes, film cameras, and lead-based paints are all products that have begun to vanish in recent history, though they may never completely go away.

Kevin Kelley has demonstrated how even ancient tools and products, such as horse-drawn plows and prehistoric knives are still being made today, but have vanished from popular use.

Sometimes products vanish as they converge into other products. Fewer people carry PDAs as cellphones have begun offering that capability, and pocket radios merged into separate products - the car stereo and the portable stereo (boombox).

In some cases, Vanishware may make comebacks, such as the vinyl record or electric car.
Steam Car
VHS Tape
Rotary Phone
Smart Media flash card
Zip Disk
Floppy Disk
Car Phone
Desktop PC
"I can't get bigger memory for my camera since Smart Media became Vanishware"
by salu1999 February 16, 2008
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