1 definition by rhodiegurl

WORDS THAT COME TO MIND: del's lemonade, walking everywhere, the first original "beach state", delekta's pharmacy (where you can get candy for a penny), "bubbla", St. Mary's Academy-Bay View for girls, Providence, Newport, "Massholes", cutest boys, weridest people, history, waterfire, RISD, "Manhattan at the Bay", getting famous, having fun, being real, being yourself, clubing, "school mixers", and in Rhode Island? It's all about the arts.
"Oh, yeah. Remember the 9th grade mixer?"

"What's a mixer? Is it a drink?"

"You're obviously not from Rhode Island."


"Where's the bubbla?"

"What did you call me?!"

"No, where's the bubbla?"

"The what?!"


by rhodiegurl June 20, 2006
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