2 definitions by repos

Used on the in the Bay Area of California. May mean in the extreme, large quantities, or something that is gnarly.
Has recently fallen into usage for something that is deep or meaningful
I had mass issues with that movie, it sucked in so many ways.
I was hungry, so I bought mass chips.
Did you see that guy's wave? It was mass.
My professor of philosophy can be so mass sometimes.
by repos December 13, 2007
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Used in the Bay Area of California. May mean in the extreme, large quantities, or something that is gnarly.
Has recently fallen into usage for something that is deep or meaningful
I had mass issues with that movie, it sucked in so many ways.
I was hungry, so I bought mass chips.
Did you see that guy's wave? It was mass.
My professor of philosophy can be so mass sometimes.
by repos December 13, 2007
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