2 definitions by ratherdashing

An alternative name for a headache.

Discomfort experienced when an individual has been focusing on a task for too long and needs a break.
"All this cramming for our European history class will be worth it when we get an A"

"I sure hope so, memorizing all the dates is giving me a serious concentration cramp"
by ratherdashing April 1, 2017
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When a person disregards any courtesy toward a party and threatens use of authority, usually to combat an injustice done them.
"I found a hair in my taco at Taco bell and the lady at the register refused to give me a new one

"Damn dude, so what'd you do?"

"I asked to see the manager and started giving the business to him. Dude hooked me up with a $20 gift card and a free taco"

by ratherdashing December 16, 2014
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