4 definitions by qzy


A device that Napolian in the movie Naplian Dynamite has mad ninja skills with.
Sorry this definition sucks, but it's the wee hours in the morning on january first, and i have nothing beter to do. Someone should kick my ass with numchucks. that'd teach me.
by qzy January 1, 2005
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Elliot Smith

One of the greatest fucking artists ever.
Anyone who says otherwise should be shot.
Listening to Elliot Smith is like multable orgasms in your head!
by qzy December 4, 2004
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Zero 7

Amazing acid jazz group. Check out their albums: When it Falls, Simple Things, and Another Late Night.
When I listen to Zero 7 I feel high, like all the world is just floating away.
by qzy January 1, 2005
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Nick Drake

Guitarist. Made mostly quiet, acustic music. Wasn't appriciated and became depressed. Killed himself (presumably) on November 25th, 1974. He released three albums: Five Leaves Left, Bryter Layter, and Pink Moon. I would give him 12 out of 10 stars.
Nick Drake will live forever through his music.
by qzy December 4, 2004
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