7 definitions by pozzie

A person who talks incredibly fast and / or doesn’t let anyone else get a word in edgewise.
When those two turbo talkers are together I don’t even try to join in the conversation. They turbo talked through the whole dinner.
by pozzie January 26, 2019
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A techno-tantrum takes a while to build up. It's most often caused by extreme frustration with uncooperative electronic devices. It's usually punctuated by a techno-scream. It's a state of mind there's almost no coming down from.
My first attempt to file my taxes online resulted in a huge techno-tantrum!
by pozzie June 13, 2017
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"Hode on" i'm going to feed you . It's that childish voice you use when you talk to your dogs and you think no one is listening. In keeping with the dog language you can also say "I tole you so".
by pozzie March 13, 2017
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A person who instigates shenanigans.
There is at least one shenanstigator in every crowd.
by pozzie June 13, 2017
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She is a real funster and is always doing something fun.
by pozzie June 13, 2017
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A unique scream one emits when consumed by extreme frustration with electronic gadgets not working correctly OR when one doesn't know how to use said electronics correctly. In this state, the user has no clue if technology or their technological ignorance is to blame (or the closest person to them). In this state, it matters not.
My roommate always knows I'm having computer issues, fax machine issues, or some other issues with my electronics when she hears my "techno scream". My neighbors are probably also well aware.
by pozzie March 16, 2014
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The word I made up to be in the Urban Dictionary wasn't included. It must have been a "wordject". Also used as a verb: Now I feel "wordjected".
by pozzie March 18, 2014
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