4 definitions by poppolo

A stand up comedian from Cambridge, Massachusetts. e is known for his dry, deadpan style, and acts in a rather depressing way. He cites his main influences as Richard Pryor and George Carlin. He has influences comedians ranging from Jimmy Carr to Demtri Martin. Steven wears a Boston Redsox hat wherever he goes. His big break came when he was the comedy guest for The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson. Since then, he has had numerous HBO specials, and frequently appears on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson.
Guy 1: Did you catch Steven Wright on Craig Fersuson last night?
Guy 2: Of course i did! i always love his surprise drop by's.
by poppolo June 28, 2010
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A great musician. usually plays alone. His unique talent of layering multiple guitar tracks with beet boxing wins over the crown at every gig. His recording skills are only surpassed by his amazing guitar playing and beet boxing mastery.
Guy 1: Are you going to the Zach Deputy concert tonight?
Guy 2: Hell yeah, i never miss one of his concerts!
by poppolo June 28, 2010
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A not too common phrase, frequently used by Archie Bunker on "All in the Family," usually directed to his wife, Edith. A more modern translation would be a simple "shut up." this is one of the many famous catchphrases and taglines used by Archie Bunker. Another popular one would be the nickname he gave his son inlaw: Meathead.
Edith: Oh, Archie!!! Let me tell you....
Archie: Edith, stifle yourself.
by poppolo June 28, 2010
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The fusion of the Dragonball characters Piccolo and Mr. Popo. This fusion has always been very highly respected.
"Wow, did you see the episode when Piccolo and Mr. Popo fused together to make Poppolo?"
"Yeah that was awesome! The best fusion ever!"
by poppolo March 22, 2010
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