23 definitions by pink

A vulgar term for swollen tonsils.
"I had to have my pharyngal testicles removed over break..."

by pink January 31, 2004
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A gay man, generally who prefers the "recieving" end in anal sex. A "bottom."
I hear that Phillip is a pillow-biter
by pink January 31, 2004
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-a girl that a guy uses for sex but doesnt really care about.

-a hoe.
by pink July 29, 2003
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Short for "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Ally." Also just a tiny fraction of the alphabet soup which can go as long as glbttqqa and further and further as more and more people realize that they are forced to put themselves in said group because their lifestyles are persecuted to such a great extent...
The campus had a well-equipped glbta services office, but many students were afraid to seek help there for fear of persecution
by pink January 31, 2004
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A general term for trail mix. Possibly an acronym for "Good Old Raisins and Peanuts," though there is much room for debate.
"Hey, pass the gorp! I'm starving over here!"
by pink January 31, 2004
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SnowFox, being the image of perfection and the most amazing creature in existence.
This precious jewel of a being is usually located on IRC or Half Life, or with his lover, the pink kitty.
Also known as foxy, DiamondFox, PagoFox and "Huzza".
SnowFox is Teh 1337 Hax Lolz
by pink July 9, 2003
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In the standard system of baseball/sexual metaphor (see first base, second base, home run), fondling the breasts and/or buttocks of one's partner.
I would have reached second base if his parents hadn't walked in.
by pink January 31, 2004
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