11 definitions by petermante

a quick way of suggesting we use the internet to find the answer.

short for "Look it up on the internet."
Todd asked Rick, "Which is the largest state fair in the U.S.?"

Rick replied, "I don't know, Todd, I'll Googlit!"
"Oh, here it is, Texas is first, and one source says Minnesota is number two, and another website says Minnesota is third."

'Ataboy, Rick. You rock!"
by petermante September 11, 2011
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The disappointed feeling you have when the automatic flush at Wal-Mart flushes the toilet before you have time to inspect your recently deposited fecal matter.
Colan had automatic flush grief when the toilet at Wal-Mart automatically flushed before he had time to inspect his recently deposited fecal matter.
by petermante April 10, 2011
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Using a politically correct, socially acceptable, word or phrase, in replacement of vulgarity.
Jennifer knew she had to use a swearstitute in math class or her teacher would publicly embarrass her. She proclaimed, Oh, schniggle, I dropped my pencil!

Oh, schniggles!
Oh, schiggle!
Goul darn it!
Oh, sugar!
H E double tooth picks!
H E double hockey sticks!
Oh Geez Louise
What the hey!
Son of a gun!
by petermante September 11, 2011
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Children, please use the synonymary to find a synonym for the word, synonym.
by petermante March 23, 2011
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