5 definitions by pbbts

something you say when you fart after you farted the first time. The person who invented this was a person who hated Brittanny Spears
oops I farted again. I scared you away.
by pbbts June 12, 2013
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1.corrupt Singlish variant of Zebra
2. A mispronunciation of the word Zebra
3. A word someone says when they cannot say Zebra
Ooh look at that Jibra, so pretty lah
by pbbts June 12, 2013
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A Tuba that is so big you cannot see what is in front of you while playing it
Fat Little Tuba Fat Little Tuba Fat Little Tuba, where did everyone go?
Other Musician: To the left!
by pbbts October 11, 2012
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Derived from tiger mother, this is the type of boyfriend who is overprotective of their girlfriend. It can also be the same for a girlfriend too. This type of boyfriend or girlfriend is really strict in order to not feel insecure. They do not allow partying unless they are invited, allow only communications at school, don't allow their partner to add random people on Facebook and monitor who is being texted. Some even break off communication due to bad grades. They make sure no one of the their gender bother their partner. A tiger boyfriend or girlfriend can get angry real easily if they don't get what they want.
"My ex girlfriend broke up with me because I am a tiger boyfriend. She complained her friends that I am too restrictive and obsessive. She says I am too strict and that I don't allow her to do anything"
bro friend: wow, why are you so strict,
" I get insecure from past relationship. It's why I get angry easily"
That my friends is a tiger boyfriend or girlfriend.
by pbbts July 23, 2017
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A sound some people make when they are sleeping. No words are exchanged just weird sounds that sound like someone smacking their lips or chewing gum really loud. Sound goes "ch k ch ch ch"
I swear Jake won't stop those chacking sounds when he's a sleep. It sounds like a cow.
by pbbts April 27, 2022
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