4 definitions by paran0idpark

a word actor Cal Robinson claims to have created during the making of Zero Day (2003) being shortened of spontaneous.
CAL:like I made up a new word spontaneo
ANDRE: that was real spontaneous right there sorry sorry spontaneo
CAL: spontaneo
by paran0idpark March 12, 2023
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when an older person hits on a younger person
Scott: before you've heard anything, yes I am dating a seventeen year old girl
Wallace: your going to catch a case dude you're 22
by paran0idpark April 9, 2023
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a way someone who doesn't eat meat or animal products can say "beef" as in drama
Alex: alright, if you do that again me are going to have some serious croutons
Macy: sorry I'm just tryna help you
by paran0idpark April 9, 2023
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an amazing band more people should know about
Derek: hey brother have you heard the song Axe Hold by Nolan Gate?
Derwin: yeah, it's good but I prefer fjord
Scott: I prefer dark matter
by paran0idpark April 9, 2023
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