3 definitions by paradigmtourist

One who visits and tries on for size various philosophical perspectives, concepts, and theories. A philosopher who experiences other views. The original Paradigm Tourist is from Houston Texas.
The Paradigm Tourist was in a Derridian phase this year. After visiting Derrida, she may make a return visit to Plato or move toward Merleau-Ponty and Husserl.
by paradigmtourist May 26, 2006
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When she finally divorces the bloke. A particularly difficult divorce from a very entangled relationship. A clean surgical break from a male spouse or partner from which the prognosis for recovery is improved functioning.
Judith finally underwent that desperately needed misterectomy. Too bad her HMO won't cover it.
by paradigmtourist May 25, 2006
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When a relatively backward or "traditional" gender roled spouse divorces a particularly empowered female spouse. Generally considered good by each party to the divorce, but with lingering bitterness from the left behind former partner of the Ms.

The gender opposite of misterectomy.
misterectomy - When she finally divorces the bloke. A particularly difficult divorce from a very entangled relationship. A clean surgical break from a male spouse or partner from which the prognosis for recovery is improved functioning for her.
Judith finally underwent that desperately needed misterectomy. Too bad her HMO won't cover it.
Ole Billy Bob is drinking at the ice house tonight, he had a Msectomy in court today.
by paradigmtourist May 25, 2006
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