14 definitions by osan

v., to defecate, to copulate

adj., a state of wrack and ruin.
"I think I just Bidened my pants."

"That's pretty Bidened up."

"Oh baby... let me put it in... just the tip... I want to Biden you so bad..."
by osan September 10, 2022
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An absurdly futile act.
Endless numping gets you nowhere.

His nump was met with predictable failure.
by osan January 25, 2020
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The feelings of a snowflake with sensitivities and implications of entitlement so extreme as to leave a normal human being in a sense of deep cognitive dissonance, not knowing whether laugh, cry, or just shake their heads in uncomprehending disbelief.
He was butthurt due to someone touching his fillingz.
by osan January 9, 2020
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adj. of, or characterized by or as bullshit.
Their bullshittinous justifications for further restrictions on the rights of free men resulted in the furtherance of tyranny and serfdom.
by osan May 27, 2020
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When a human being or other intelligent entity encounters anything, usually idiocy of some sort, of such qualities and proportions that they are unable to make the least passing sense of it, leaving them in a state of internal cognitive conflict such that they find themselves dead in the waters of the intellect.
The speakers words left her in a state of circuit-jammed paralysis.
by osan January 9, 2020
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Just another world for the anus. We have a crack, and somewhere therein we find a hole. But the spelling plays on the notion of the "Kraken", great and evil monster.
It made me wince to see that poor bastard take it right up his krakenhole.
by osan May 24, 2022
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Contraction for "press pussy": anyone identifying as a member of the press whose snowflake-like behaviors or qualities leads them to hold opinions and feelings worthy only of a weakling or, because of said qualities is easily butthurt by truths that bruise or otherwise injure their infantile feelings, thereby reducing themselves to the status of a delicate being incapable of weathering the truths of reality that do not accord with their wishes.

It is almost universally the case that pressies are the sorts of people who, once given to displeasure of any degree toward another human being, group thereof, circumstance, object, event, organization, or other entity or concept, will go on a personal crusade to besmirch, disparage, discount, defame, insult, libel, smear, slander, malign, or otherwise cast aspersions upon the source of their butthurt with the purpose of bringing harm, either physically, financially, or by way of one's reputation.

Pressies represent one of the lowest forms of life to be found on earth, and perhaps even the galaxy.

People such as Jim Acosta and Rachel Maddow are prime examples of pressies.
The news anchor, a notorious pressy, went wild with the president's latest announcements of respect for the rights of all people.
by osan January 9, 2020
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