10 definitions by nonexistentturtle

Someone that can't see you, Or else they want to annihilate you.
The Wok: I DESPISE you, Zhao xina.
by nonexistentturtle November 17, 2021
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Ourtube is OURS☭
Actually, Ourtube is a meme displaying the following:

The user copies a happy stalin and a sad stalin, He then puts Youtube on top and on the side would be sad stalin on the rain, Now happy stalin would be below with the following text: Ourtube or ☭ Ourtube☭.
Yoooo bro! Did you see the OURTUBE meme on reddit?
Yemen, I saw it! It's pretty juicy.
by nonexistentturtle September 28, 2021
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Ourtube is the communist youtube, The youtube that is only accesible in the CCCP, And only if you have the KGB's permission.
Also this was a joke, Ourtube is a dead meme i'm pretty sure, And the meme talks about youtube being changed slightly and being said ourtube
In this case it would look like ourtube.com which is not an actual website. Jokes aside, Have a great day comrade! ☭
Youtube: Insert sad stalin
Ourtube: Insert happy stalin with soviet union flag flying on background
by nonexistentturtle September 28, 2021
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Oftenly said as "Vaterland" In germany.
It is also used by neo-nazis.
But, Who is the sonland? Is it japan?
Germany, My Fatherland!
by nonexistentturtle November 30, 2021
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Half-Life 2's AI that commands the Civil Protection and Overwatch Transhuman Arm.

It has a female sounding voice and has no physical form.

It gives warnings and orders to soldiers and officers. It receives orders from the Citadel and puts them in effect.
Overwatch Soldiers and Civil Protection Officers can request reinforcement and other things depending on their situation.
"Overwatch confirm double boomers dispatched inbound, ghost drop inbound, prepare for Skyshield heavy suppresion and wrap up."
by nonexistentturtle January 3, 2023
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Everything can kill you, Even paper! EVEN AIR! doesn't matter what it is
If used correctly, You get killed.
Alex: Did you know that everything can kill you? Just think for a moment on how many stuff can kill you.
Max: Sheeeeeesh man, I know right!
by nonexistentturtle August 4, 2021
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A consequence from eating taco bell.
Disposed of shit; Defecated.
1: I had some really bad taco bell last night.
2: Really?
1: Yes. I shat so hard my house almost collapsed.
by nonexistentturtle January 3, 2023
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