1 definition by ninjapenguin2K7

OK, as a nerd with pride I would like to set some things straight-

- Not to be confused with a geek. Geeks act like Nerds but do not possess the high intellectual capabilities of one.

-Nerds are NOT always ugly. In fact, they can be as good looking as anyone.

-Nerds do not always have bad fashion sense.

-Nerds are not always social rejects. In fact, alot of them are very popular and have friends (maybe even a girlfriend)

-Unfortunately, Nerds DO Genreally suck at sports. This does not mean they are fat or unfit, they are just uncoordinated.

-Nerds DO have a life. We do NOT spend all day studying or doing schoolwork. We can have fun too!

-Nerds get picked on alot in High School by Jocks but will be rich and respected as adults.

-Nerds are generally very smart and get good grades.

-Nerds generally enjoy Computers, Gaming, Technology, Sci Fi, Comics and other stuff like that. But they can also enjoy other things, like for example, someone who is a nerd I know is also a big cricket fan.

-Nerds are not repulsive antisocial creatures. That is jock propaganda.

-Nerds are usually good natured and kind. They are forgiving and treat everyone as equal.

As you can see, nerds are not like the ugly, unfit, fatass social rejects you see on TV. They are normal people who have an interest in technology etc.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Very wealthy people

That guy whose heads the jocks flush down the toilet.

If you know how to reprogram the computer you are reading this on, you are probably a nerd.
by ninjapenguin2K7 June 20, 2007
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