1 definition by mmine

A website in which every user uploads stolen content, while still may pertain humor, is often taken from other websites such as reddit (see reddit), 4chan (see 4chan), Dorkly (see Dorkly), etc., slaps a 9gag watermark on, and calls it theirs. They lie about having the hacker group Anonymous hosted, or being the hearth of the internet. They are, in a sense, the lowest common denominator of the internet (see shit). You do NOT want to be them.
Person 1: "Dude, 9gag is better than everyone else! We ar the hearth of the internet!"

Person 2: "No, you're a group of 14 year-olds who steal content from other sites while calling it your own. I feel sorry for you, really."
by mmine May 3, 2012
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