6 definitions by midnightrise

When you use meth, cocaine, or abuse Adderall or similar drugs and don't keep hydrated, your mouth becomes a growing ground for bacteria. This causes a bad taste, smell, and yellowing teeth. Meth mouth is the effects from using it.
friend 1: "Hey man how's it going?"
friend 2: "I have a serious case of meth mouth due to Adderall. It sucks"
friend 1: "Ew gross I heard that's when bacteria builds up due to dehydration"
adderall meth drugs cocaine addies study drug
by midnightrise January 22, 2016
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To make a huge mess of things or, to be a big mess.
"Holy shit! Ariana was a royal mess last night. She had two drinks and the was a sloppy drunk, believe me."
by midnightrise June 3, 2015
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When someone abuses Adderall (addies), you get distorted vision, and light sensitivity, due to your gigantic pupils. Saying you have addie eyes is saying your eyes are fucked up due to adderall.
person 1: "Dude you okay? You're squinting a lot and stuff."
person 2: "Yeah I'm good I just have addie eyes. My pupils are so big the light burns."
adderall meth pupils Addies study drug drugs abuse of drugs
by midnightrise January 22, 2016
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Also known on the "street" as meth, cocaine, or sometimes heroin. But can also be Adderall, Or Dex, or similar drugs prescribed for ADHD.

Adderall and Dex and similar drugs are the basic chemicals for Meth and Cocaine, just at a really low dosage. It's referred to as "speed" because you become 200% better at everything, and faster.
friend 1: "Hey did you finish that huge English assignment?"
(you): "Yeah man I took speed to stay up. Not hard though, Adderall."
meth Adderall addies drugs study drug cocaine school
by midnightrise January 22, 2016
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Or spelled as tweaker, refers to someone who does meth, or cocaine.

Could also refer to abusing Adderall, or Dex, or similar drugs prescribed to treat ADHD. Because the ingredients are the same, Adderall is just a really really low dosage of it. Abusing get's you the same high, which is tweeking.
person 1:"Man what's your plans for the party tonight?"
person 2:"I plan on tweeking (getting high)on Adderall."
person 1:"Dude I knew you were a tweeker!!"
tweaker meth cocaine drugs party high
by midnightrise January 22, 2016
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a guy that can be good but i swear to god if hes under 14 he is a ass i wouldn't give a fuck if he died right now and we have all met a jack before like this
me:hey jack did your brother come to sleep over to?
jack:uh yah
me:ok cool cause your a ass
jack wtf? why?
me:cause you woke me up last sleepover blasting your music
jack:yeah that was funny
me:flips table
by midnightrise August 12, 2013
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