13 definitions by midinerd

A person who thinks nitpicking is a sign of intelligence, and is incredibly annoying even if incorrect.
Gets a serotonin blast to their skull anytime they correct someone for shit regular people choose to overlook.
A nitwit likes to track others behavior and critique them in a ninny, fuckwad manor.
NitWit: "You left your monitor on all night."
You: "How the fuck did you see my monitor in my bedroom?"
NitWit: "On my daily electricity checks I sweep all rooms, you know that"
You: "Listen, NitWit."
NitWit: "Whoa, that's like using the n-word."
You: "I know, I say that as well in my spare time."
by midinerd March 31, 2019
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70's slang-term for a prolific pubic bush.

Inclusive of all genders and identifications.
The main requirement is a crotchal region neglected from grooming for months, whereupon entire ecosystems can be formed.
Jack Rebney: "And, they fit the diverse buyer needs of a very large... fern. What's the fuckin' line, Ken?"

Zach Galifianakis: "Between two Ferns"
by midinerd September 22, 2019
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A rough method of judging a person's rate of aging. To left test is to view a user's current profile picture on Facebook, which is the most recent, and press the left arrow key. This goes back to the user's first picture, when they were younger. It may span several years, or few, and their mileage will vary.
<while friend is stalking someone on Facebook> Damn, give them the left test!
According to the left test, she's like-new.
by midinerd September 12, 2016
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Phonetic ebonic predecessor of "n00b" or "noob": lamer, lamah, lammah

When slang on the Internet was influenced by ebonics to change "er" endings of words to an "ah" sound. The popular insult "lamer" became "lamah," which is both awkward looking and phonetically pre-existing in English as "llama." This practice of phonetic substitution would later peak as a fad by bastardizing the moment when two humans pronounce their undying bond for one another with simply "Olive Juice."

Synonym: newb or n00b
Antonym: elite, l33t

Derogatory term to indicate limited cunning or wit in a given topic, typically technological.

Noun. "llama, llamas"

- A lame person or thing in cyber/leetspeak.

- There are those who are leet, and there are llamas.
Adjective: "llama"

- Lame. This club is llama.

- Not used: "Chad has become llama" would be spoken only by a llama.
***now chatting in #momsemuroms***
*leechgzplz disconnected: <timeout exceeded: 3000s>*
haqeur: u ph34r us yet, eric?
h0m3br3w: just Ddos'd that llama w regular /ping on dial-up

"Winamp, it really whips the llama's ass"
by midinerd October 2, 2016
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A combination of the words "post," "boast," and "poaching." It is a reflexive action of participating in social media culture of displaying ones personal life out of temptation to compete with their peers, while inadvertently volunteering personal information about the self and ones relatives.
person1: Did you see person2's vacation photos?
person3: Man, person2's personal account of their own life is amazing!
person1: they poasted all their kids bullshit while vacating up in dat 'Cun (Cancun)
person3: Back in the day, we had to get a parent signature on a piece of paper and bring it back to class have our photo taken for the public. That poasting has to stop!
by midinerd March 1, 2018
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An event that exceeds your known understanding of bad circumstances.
"Went to a craw-fish broil; some dog knocked over the broiler. `Twas shit-tastic."
"By shit-tastic, do you mean: 'An event that exceeds your known understanding of bad circumstances.'? That's what I get from the way you say it, anyways."
"Yeah basically."
"Oh, haha, cool. Man, that sucks! What'd you do?"
"Ducked out of there with my girl and her sister's dogs. They didnt knock the shit over, but they were there and I like looking after them."
"Ah that's cool, what breed are they?"
"I don't really know. Like jack russel something. no fucking idea."
"Haha, alright man. Nice chatting."
"yeah no prob. peace dude"
by midinerd April 1, 2019
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When a woman, typically in her 20's, uses a stethoscope to check your vitals.

She usually is wearing a nursing costume and pretends to be a CNA, seeing if your breathing is regular.
Me: "I went to the doctor earlier. I saw a nurse, and then a doctor afterwards."
Chet: "Did the nurse get all up in your guts?"
Me: "No, we didn't fuck this time. She used her stethoscope to actually check my health level, which was nice since last time all we did was fool around and I had zero feedback on my health."
Chet: "Glad to hear everything is going well. How's the wife?"
Me: "Yeah still trying to move through things, not really an uphill battle anymore but the weeks have their grooves. Mondays, you know what I mean?"
Chet: "Haha, I do. Seriously. Shannon gets super bent out of shape Monday morning, always before breakfast. Like clockwork, she's enumerating her rants like Santa Claus' child counter overflows yearly. You can tell she's losing it."
Me: "I wasn't going to say anything but you already did!"
Chet: "Ahhhhh!!!"
Both aside: 'look let's get somewhere all these white motherfuckers can't hear us'
by midinerd March 19, 2019
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