29 definitions by medicalmechanica

When someone you consider a real friend acts like a total bitch.
Manny: Hey! I hope you don't mind, but I ate your fries 'cause they was getting cold!
Joe: Why thank you! I knew I could count on you as my bitchfriend!
by medicalmechanica August 3, 2010
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Aww man, I done broke my chain, I'll need to take it to my dog Darell to fix it, he's a true niggersmith, yo'.
by medicalmechanica March 11, 2012
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A troll whose trolling hours are generally past midnight.
Trent, it's 3am, log off those forums and stop being such a nighttroller.
by medicalmechanica March 15, 2010
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Any ridiculous attempt made by the modern band Metallica to play and sound as kickass as they used to, with an unbelievable failure ratio.
Man! Metallica keeps trying to regain their fame like the old days and they clearly Metallican't!
by medicalmechanica May 2, 2010
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A piece of art posted on deviantart site that sucks so much it stinks like crap.
Deviant 1: Hey! Take a look at my new pic! Isn't it awesome??
Deviant 2: Eew, smells to me like deviantfart...
by medicalmechanica April 29, 2010
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The name used to classify the cuts that an emo makes on his/her ass.
Guy 1: Hey, that emo kid's been sticking that razor on his butt repeatedly, you think he's shaving?
Guy2: Nah, man, he's getting himself some emorrhoids!
by medicalmechanica May 14, 2010
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An extraordinary term used to refer to a female that is destined to have virtually all males she meets in the quest of trying to fuck her.
Denise: Why does everyone I meet want to have sex with me?
Greg: 'cause you're The Chosen Cunt
by medicalmechanica April 25, 2010
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