13 definitions by maxx

Anything that deters a Hipster, Such as anything that is popular or mainstream. A Hipster's Kryptonite.
Dude, Gangnam Style is complete Hypstonite.
by maxx November 18, 2012
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"O" the closing of a transistor on a computer terminal, the output path the transistor sends.
the ON is the "I" or Input, in which the transistor is opened and continues to send data and electricity.
this applies to any electronic device.
"lets turn off the lightswitch"
"lets turn it on"
"why dont you fuck off?"
by maxx January 12, 2004
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TMJ: temporo-mandibular joint
the joint where the jaw connects to the skull on both sides of the head.
hurts like hell when dislocated, you are barely able to open your mouth and cant really close it either.
it cannot be snapped back into place yourself.
it can occur from anyhting, including laughing or yawning.
"my TMJ hurts like hell :( "
by maxx January 12, 2004
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living in the ghetto ie projects, low income housing,section 8 but the inside of your house looks like a mini mansion an you have a fleet of fine cars w/o a legit job.
Girl she drives a Lexus and got a 54 inch flat screen tv. She is hood rich.
by maxx March 4, 2005
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pretty. extremely cute and fun and personality. one that blossoms as more time is spent with them. unique and great to be around. can bring joy to anyones heart.
she is a sepeedeh. so rare
by maxx April 11, 2005
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I just hed six with a right randy sheila.
by maxx May 25, 2004
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