15 definitions by love_maiden

A mule who is one who underhanded and believes his tricky rephrasing of other people's conversations Is highly amusing. He also has a tendency to lie, decieve and manipulate every situation. He is a lying shitbag. Intellect and intelligence are not one of this asshole's key points. He is shallow, unoriginal and quite the dolt. Everything he says or does is a copy of another person's reality. He is one big second hand duplicate. He does believe that people are stupid and fail to catch on to his "sneaky" and "stealth" ways. But he has been found out. A long time ago. Basically, a twisted asshole in other words
by love_maiden July 26, 2014
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A mule who is one who underhanded and believes his tricky rephrasing of other people's conversations Is highly amusing. He also has a tendency to lie, decieve and manipulate every situation. He is a lying shitbag. Intellect and intelligence are not one of this asshole's key points. He is shallow, unoriginal and quite the dolt. Everything he says or does is a copy of another person's reality. He is one big second hand duplicate. He does believe that people are stupid and fail to catch on to his "sneaky" and "stealth" ways. But he has been found out. A long time ago. Basically, a twisted asshole in other words
by love_maiden July 26, 2014
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A mule who is one who underhanded and believes his tricky rephrasing of other people's conversations Is highly amusing. He also has a tendency to lie, decieve and manipulate every situation. He is a lying shitbag. Intellect and intelligence are not one of this asshole's key points. He is shallow, unoriginal and quite the dolt. Everything he says or does is a copy of another person's reality. He is one big second hand duplicate. He does believe that people are stupid and fail to catch on to his "sneaky" and "stealth" ways. But he has been found out. A long time ago. Basically, a twisted asshole in other words
by love_maiden July 26, 2014
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A mule who is one who underhanded and believes his tricky rephrasing of other people's conversations Is highly amusing. He also has a tendency to lie, decieve and manipulate every situation. He is a lying shitbag. Intellect and intelligence are not one of this asshole's key points. He is shallow, unoriginal and quite the dolt. Everything he says or does is a copy of another person's reality. He is one big second hand duplicate. He does believe that people are stupid and fail to catch on to his "sneaky" and "stealth" ways. But he has been found out. A long time ago. Basically, a twisted asshole in other words
by love_maiden July 26, 2014
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A mule who is one who underhanded and believes his tricky rephrasing of other people's conversations Is highly amusing. He also has a tendency to lie, decieve and manipulate every situation. He is a lying shitbag. Intellect and intelligence are not one of this asshole's key points. He is shallow, unoriginal and quite the dolt. Everything he says or does is a copy of another person's reality. He is one big second hand duplicate. He does believe that people are stupid and fail to catch on to his "sneaky" and "stealth" ways. But he has been found out. A long time ago. Basically, a twisted asshole in other words
by love_maiden July 26, 2014
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