1 definition by lenny44445555

Abbreviation for United States of America. A country located in North America. Americans, formally English settlers, now believe that the Earth is divided into America (meaning USA) and the Rest of the World.

Americans are very proud of their nationality and believe themselves to be better then everyone else. They firmly believe in the American Dream, Freedom of Speech (with a capital F and S) and God, while being allergic to the ideas of Communism. Since they are the Chosen Ones, they are not obliged to learn anything about anything outside the US and are justified in invading any place they want to invade.

The Rest of the World hates them with a passion, while listening to their music, watching their movies and buying their products. Complaining about the US is the Rest of the Worlds most favourite past-time activity.
USA: “Do you think we should visit France some day?” - “What is France? Is it in the Ohio?”

Rest of the World: "It's such a nice day! I love absolutely everyone!" - "Even the United States of America?" - "No! Everyone hates America!"
by lenny44445555 April 3, 2011
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