2 definitions by lacrynx

When something doesn't make sense, so you need to analyze it further and figure out wtf it means.
When you install AdBlock but all the hot singles in your area disappear.
Kowalski analysis.
by lacrynx February 9, 2019
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used when someone is doing something weird, stupid, or pointless. it means they need to come back to reality, they need to get some fresh air and get back in touch with how the real world works.
"been keeping track of my crush's snap score. she's most active on friday, least active on monday, most-"
"dude. you need to go touch grass. get a job or something damn"

"the word 'crazy' is inherently ableist and harms neurodivergent people"
"oh my god. please touch grass"
by lacrynx January 19, 2021
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