13 definitions by killmeihavenolife

1.the act of fat people or skinny doing it in the flaps(rolls) by being jerked off in on flaps or scissoring in the fat flap sex is a way some fat people show there affection since it's hard to find the lovers genitals.
(brandon) man i made sweet love to my boyfriend
(adam) i don't even want to know shut up
(brandon) man we did each other in the flap
(adam) so you had flap sex
(brandon) yeah
(adam) nice
by killmeihavenolife November 13, 2007
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a peice of shit hanging from your penis after giveing anal
guy 1 well i fucked amanda up the ass
Guy2 how was it?
Guy 1 good until i got a christmas ornament
by killmeihavenolife November 5, 2009
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the removal of a flower from your urethra
i have to have a flowerectamy
by killmeihavenolife December 25, 2009
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1.leaving badonkadonk
2.a bi person's badonkadonk
1.(a person staring as some big assed lady leaves) Byedonkadonk)
2.i want some of that byedonkadonk.
by killmeihavenolife September 24, 2007
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the act of cooking someone from the inside out with a curling iron in their ass
by killmeihavenolife December 25, 2009
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sex on a boat dock or sex a boat on the dock
man i love to rokadok with her
by killmeihavenolife September 24, 2007
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