1 definition by katherine22446688

Abbey: She is the utter most perfect girl in the world. Girls strive to be her. Guys strive to get her. Her boyfriend worries about all the attention guys give her but she only has eyes for him, although she doesn't like to admit that. She is honest, bloody hell she is too honest, almost insulting but at least you will always know its the truth when it comes to her. Abbey is extremely flirty and if you give her the right attention she will trust and love you. She falls way too hard for guys and she is very loyal but note that this is only to a certain extent. If you fuck her over she will with no doubt do it back and make sure you know about it. She doesn't take shit from anyone and if you hurt her, you'll know about it. Her smile will brighten the darkest of days and her green eyes will make you unsteady. She has a gorgeous body and when she walks past you or if your close enough, she smells like heaven.
Abbey, the love of your life.
by katherine22446688 August 26, 2018
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